
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TillLimitRule
Physical Name : RU_LM_TL

A rule defining an amount of Cash that is allowed to be held in a Till at any one time, and the action the POS Application is to take when the calculated amount of cash in exceeds the limit.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TillLimitRuleID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Drawer Limit Rule. ID_TL_LM_RU Identity integer
WarningAmount The amount of Cash that must be in the Till to cause a warning to be displayed on screen to the Operator. MO_WRN MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
LockoutAmount The amount of Cash that must be in the Till to cause the Workstation holding the Till to cease to accept new Transactions. MO_LCK MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TillLimitRule is assigned TillTenderLimitRuleAssignment
TillLimitRule records exceeding TillLimitExceededTransaction

Logical Views containing TillLimitRule

Logical View
Logical 02450 - Control Transaction - Drawer Limit